Sunday, January 15, 2012

Myself as a Writer 3rd Person

A picture taken in the dark, indoors. Never a good plan to get good quality.
This anyhow is a picture of Shoegerhith that at least somewhat resembles a
dog anyhow.

He has been writing books for many years. His books were mainly just pictures with a few words, so a comic strip would pretty much be exactly the same except with an excuse to slip humor in. His sister was making one, and since anything she did, he had to at least duplicate, it was an easy decision for him to make to start one of his own. He decided to have a dog with his owner, and the dog would be yellow, and have a green spot on his side in the shape of an eagle head. He just needed a name. He decided on Shoegerhith, a combination between the comics Shoe, Garfield, and Heathcliffe. He had a lot of fun writing the comics, and showing them to his mother and sister. Multiply his years times two, and he is still drawing his Shoegerhith comics. Still with the same stick figures, still with the same yellow dog. They have even appeared on the walls. Now they are even on the walls of his new English blog. He is an English dog, by the way. An English dog on an English blog. Totally unintended humor there. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my English dog story from two weeks ago:

    I was in a pub called The White Bear in Devizes. It has two pub dogs, a big hound and a Jack Russell, both of whom swoon on all the
    customers. But when I walked up to the bar, the hound started bow-wooing at me in suspicious outrage ( I think my backpacked profile upset him.) There were about six men in the room, all pub chums, and they all watched the dog giving me a hard time. I turned to the room and said, "Dogs can tell, y'know! He knows already that I'm a bad 'un, come 3000 miles just to give him grief!"

    Got a decent laugh, and later the hound and I became best of friends.
