Monday, January 16, 2012

Journal Entry 1-16-12

I woke up, which is always a good start to your day, as if you didn't wake up, well, let's just say it might not be one of your most enjoyable days. I got to watch as Mr. Goldfine commented on my posts from last night, as I had my email open and each time he commented, I got an email. The GIS class I am in is still trying to set up a time for the class. I got to send screen shots to Mr. Goldfine of how to find the blog statistics. I then started and finished my third psychology paper, one of the five due in April for my psychology class. Always good to get ahead. I like psychology much better than the sociology class I took last semester. Same good teacher though. My other online course. Any time I can save will be good, as I am taking seventeen credits this semester. Which is fine, except that four of the credits are Calculus II. Calculus I was hard enough. I petted Della, our black standard Poodle. She is really nice, except that she has the most awful stinky breath, and seems to find every opportunity she can of yawning directly in my face. I read Oppenheim, listened to Linkin Park, I reminisced on something that happened while I was taking the SAT that I have to get into an english paper at some point. And I concluded that by Wednesday, when college starts, I might actually have something interesting to write about.

1 comment:

  1. The quotidian is interesting, trust me--at least in the hands of a canny writer.
