Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 2 Prompt I

Looking in that photo album, I see--

I see a picture of the knife my cousin and I had made. Four pictures of it to be precise. One of it perfect, two of it broken, and one of it salvaged. My cousin hand makes knives and sells them. They are very high quality and they realize quite a bit for each one. This one was being made out of an old file, and he ground it, and did file work on the handle. The handle was made out of some material that for some reason I can not recollect at the moment, but it was blue and aquamarine streaked. The file work on the handle was on the metal, and in the design of a vine. It was a small knife to begin with, but the temper was apparently not right, and when he tried to clamp it- snap! The blade snapped in half. My cousing was very frustrated and annoyed at that, as it had never happened to him before. We ended up grinding it to a rounded end there, so I have about a 4 inch handle and a 1 and a half inch blade. But it is incredibly sharp, and a good whittling knife, and exceedingly decorative as well as useful. And, I could probably bring it to the college without having to worry about bringing a dangerous weapon on campus. Mr. Goldfine had a pocketknife once that had a larger blade than mine.

Each year, as a Christmas present I would use pictures of the players on the Patriots, and I would put them together on a sheet of newspaper, as a type of collage. This year though, I tried doing it on the computer instead, which is how this picture of a bunch of their players in the photo album came from. It took me a long while, but eventually I located a website called, where I could make the collage exactly how I had hoped I could, being able to erase anything I wanted to get the shapes of the pictures better, and I could download it as an image file when I was done. This picture naturally now resides in the album, and I can think of how I used to do it with paper, and now I do it with a computer. An album used to be a photo book, now it can be on a computer.

Times change, but the pictures and memories remain.


  1. So, if you had to choose one or the other of these grafs, which is the keeper?

  2. Absolutely. So why not stop with the best instead of tacking on an also-ran?
