Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Journal Entry 1-17-12

I woke up again this morning, which was nice, but I also woke up with a bruised ear. I don't know how it happened, but one part of it is bruised and a little swollen. It is naturally a little sore, too. One of our bantam roosters had gotten stabbed in the neck a while ago by a chance shot while he was having fun sparring with another rooster. We did not think he would survive, as he would not eat or drink for several days, only wheezing. But instead, he is now up and anxious to get back out to the hens. If I suffered the bruised ear in return for his safety, then it was definitely worth it. My mother and I went on another escapade to the Bangor Public Library, as we typically do just about once a week. I ventured into the stacks as I always do, and selected four Oppenheim books. We went and checked them out, and something happened that I shall surely find a way to use as a topic at some point this semester. SAT's, and library now for things I need to use for topics. Amazing how once you are in an english class, you start considering anything that may occur as a possible candidate for a paper. Oh well. The life of a linguistics and lexicon loving bibliophile. Sorry, that was an accidental almost alliteration. As was that.

Anyway, once I stop accidentally alliterating things, I finished another Oppenheim book, and I listened to Linkin Park. Our dog had a nightmare, and that is another thing I need to write about. Her nightmares. It's like I am a Topic Falcon, perched atop the English-man's Ledge, surveying life flow down below, tensed to spring at the slightest glimpse of the subject of an essay passing below, seeking to conceal itself in the flow of life's desultory traffic. Well, poor Della's nightmares got snatched up in my somewhat tenacious claws just now, and deposited upon my ledge, to be used later, if I still remember it. Fortunately, it is on here, so I think I shall remember it, and will make full use of it when the opportunity arises.

It is interesting, that when I was younger, I started out listening to older music, and have now ended up listening to recent music. I started reading recent books when I was younger, now I read old ones. And when I was younger, I watched just about no television. Now, I still watch no television. At the most, I watch things like Nova or Nature, or Jeopardy. (Yet, my knowledge of television programs was good enough last year for me to get an entire Jeopardy category right on what programs are on what stations, just from my remembering the commercials.) But, as my mother has always liked Tim Allen's humor, we have tried his new comedy, and we like it. So we watched that tonight. Unfortunately, it gave me no topic ideas. So I stayed clawless the entire time. But wait until college tomorrow, then my claws will be reaching out with great rapidity, I assure you.

1 comment:

  1. " Amazing how once you are in an english class, you start considering anything that may occur as a possible candidate for a paper."

    Too true, and long may it amaze.

    " It's like I am a Topic Falcon, perched atop the English-man's Ledge, surveying life flow down below, tensed to spring at the slightest glimpse of the subject of an essay passing below, seeking to conceal itself in the flow of life's desultory traffic."

    Oh, Tom, I love that. Way over the top, funny, well-said, true.
