62. For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
A player on my college baseball team sat on the dugout floor pulling the spikes off his cleats.
"Putting them on?" another player asked.
"Taking them off," he corrected, "I'm missing two, they overbalance me."
Cleats are important. Otherwise baseball players wouldn't use them. I have experienced not wearing cleats, and have felt like the outfield was a slip and slide.
There also is a huge difference between metal and plastic cleats. Plastic cleats are okay on dirt, but on the grass, they don't dig in at all. Metal cleats dig in, to help you make sharp cuts.
Other sports use them, such as golf, or soccer, or ice climbing. And a good pair of shoes are important for basketball, or tennis, or life.
People who don't wear good shoes can get sore feet, back, knees, or other things.
There are people who have tons of shoes, as a fashion statement or whatever. Shoes can affect a lot of people. And a horse's shoe can save a kingdom.
A writer who can get me to curl my lips into a small smile of recognition with a last line I know I should have seen coming but didn't because I was so mesmerized by the cleats-rigamarole he was spinning--is a writer who needs fear nothing in the writing life.